Saturday, May 1, 2010

Thy voice lights up the air waves

As a lot of my friends already know, i am a religious follower of the morning show on 95 FM.
They also know that i really enjoy RJ Sarthak on the airwaves. AND they are aware that i call him frequently. Though he doesn't always return my calls and doesn't always put me on air.

Now, if i were 16, the above paragraph would have been something like : ... that's assuming that i knew what radio is all about and that people do listen to it too.

Ohh have you heard the hit mornings !! Its like soooooooo awesome. and RJ Sarthak !!! oh man ... im in love with him.. like totally. You know his sense of humor is awesome and he is voice is sooo hot..... im really really in love with him.... i wish i could go out with him.

But thankfully i'm not 16.

As is my habit with everything else, i googled RJ Sarthak a number of times last year. I was hoping to find a wiki page on him that described him, his early years, his career, and his personal life, with a picture on the right and his age, active years, spouse/partner at the bottom. But all i found was NOTHING.

I was really surprised that he did not have a presence on the internet. All i found was alot of people stating how they 'like him;, 'LOAVE him', 'want to meet him;, 'want to marry him', ' dream of him' and so on.

Infact, in a way i'm very very impressed with the way he or the station is protecting his identity. Then on, i stopped looking for his picture on the internet and tried not to make up a mental image. Making up a mental image of an RJ is like slowly building a mountain of disappointment for yourself. The more you listen to him/her, the higher the mountain becomes.... until one fine day its twice the size of mt.Everest with you proudly perched on pinnacle of the Mt. Disappointment needing only a gentle poke to fatally fall off it.

So yes, i made an effort to stick to loving the voice and the mind behind the voice.

One fine day, while telling my boss about RJ Sarthak and how his identity is so well protected, i decided to google him JUST ONE MORE TIME. And VOILA !!! There was the Golden Kela Award website... on the website was a picture gallery ... on the picture gallery were pictures..... and in those pictures was a picture of RJ Sarthak !

Like i say, the taste of victory my friend is ssssssssswwwweeetttt.

So for the people who haven't been successful and don't have the expertise to dig what they want out of google.... here's the picture..... drumrollll............ oh and i'm not telling you which one is Sarthak (apart from the ones i have already told)...... drummmrollllllllll.........................