Wednesday, June 2, 2010

And we all fall down !

I've been away for a while. Mostly because i was uninspired and over worked.
And the most interesting part is, its not my actual work that made me feel overworked... it was everything at work BUT the work.

I'm inspired today by frustration. Someone (i can't recall who) once said , No art ever came from happiness. Overlooking my immodesty, i guess he was right. So yeah, i think i should share my new found wisdom and frustration.

Over the past few months, lets say four, i have seen first hand, that your success at work has very little to do with your work. And JUST when you think you have it all figured out for the next 4 months and your career is finally going somewhere......................... your stupid boss quits and turns the entire team into a shipwreck.

Now, lets see, you are in a shipwreck, you gotta jump into the water and find another ship. When you find another ship, THAT ship would already have a crew .... the ones who know their ship better than you do. What you knew about your ship and the time you spent 'taming the crew' doesn't matter. So you fuckin' start over. You start OVER, doing your ACTUAL work super duper rockstar style, so the crew notices you. You 'hangout' with the captain. You share a few beers on fridays. Then maybe in a few hundred years, you career might get somewhere, if you manage to avoid shipwrecks.